Let me introduce myself…

I’m Paul Lindley, an award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author and impactful campaigner for children’s welfare, well-being and rights.

My Story…

As for us all, the people and places that defined my childhood have set up the opportunities and beliefs that have shaped my life story……

My parents encouraged me always to be curious and brave valuing family and education as the bedrock upon which success can be built.

⇢Growing up in Zambia helped me see the diversity of humankind but also the inequalities that can too easily thwart hopes and opportunities for so many.

⇢Finding my great, great grandparents 1862 marriage certificate and seeing that they both signed it with an ‘x’, lit a fire to do all I can to give today’s children strong foundations to find opportunities to fulfil their potential.

⇢Being in awe of Nelson Mandela’s proud defiance and humanity, his words: “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children” became the drumbeat to my life’s work.

⇢Being inspired by Robert F. Kennedy’s moral imagination, his belief that a newer world is possible because “each generation inherits a world it never made; and … becomes the trustee of that world for those that come after”.

By 2006, I was the father of two young children and felt brave and curious to seek that newer world.  I felt frustrated by the lack of healthy, tasty and convenient food available for families. And so, in the midst of a growing childhood obesity crisis, I set out to create Ella’s Kitchen.

Today, Ella’s Kitchen is the UK’s biggest baby food brand, sold in major markets around the world and with a global turnover of £100+ million. Driven by my founding mission, Ella’s Kitchen fast became an instrumental force in national campaigns to tackle childhood hunger and improve early-childhood nutrition. This passion led me to become a vocal advocate for childrens’ well-being and rights.

Since selling Ella’s Kitchen in 2013, I dedicated my time to using my entrepreneurial skills in social enterprise, public service, philanthropy and campaigning. Re-committing to use each to help create that newer, better world for young people.  This focus is evident through my patronages and in my role as Chancellor of the University of Reading.

I am the best-selling author of two books, ‘Little Wins: The Huge Power of Thinking Like a Toddler’ and ‘Raising The Nation’, where I reflect on what we can learn from childhood and the improvements we need to make to ensure all children grow up to prosper in society.

Today I continue to campaign on childhood issues with the aim of influencing policymakers to create child-centred policies that improve the lives of children and young people in the UK.


Discover how we can build a better world for children (and everyone else) through my acclaimed books.


Learn about the projects and causes which matter to me. It’s here that I share my thoughts on current issues, project updates as well as key milestones.


Listen back to my interviews and conversations  covering a wide range of topics including ethical business, healthy food and how we can best support children and young people.